Active Clean Environmental Corporation (ACE) is a professional indoor air quality solutions provider.  We work together with leading international air quality engineering companies to create, distribute, and install state-of-the-art solutions for air quality problems.  We specialize in pollution reduction of particulate matter and allergens; sterilization from airborne/surface biological contaminates; and deodorization/deactivation of odours volatile organic compounds.  At ACE we believe that quality environmental air indoors is not only a matter of the airborne pollutants, but a matter of the natural health factors of the air such as negative -O2 ions.  We create solutions that restore the ion levels of the indoor air to bring rejuvenation and optimal environmental air quality.

Our commitment is to design and develop the best solutions in our service to provide our customers with pure environmental air.

Our practices use only natural methods and processes to purify the air, replicating the natural behaviors of the outdoor air, which are safe and beneficial in occupied spaces.  Recognizing that no two indoor air environments are exactly the same, we provide holistic air quality solutions catered uniquely for each customer.

We focus on educating our clients and general audience.  ACE is dedicated to providing detailed and relevant information for each client regarding their air quality concerns, so that people seeking solutions for their air quality problems can make informed and confident decisions.

Indoor air pollution problems are contributors to public health risks, building related illnesses, sick building syndromes and many nuisances. Indoor air pollution is greatly underestimated and is among the top five environmental health risks to public health as determined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). We at ACE cannot ignore the realities in the implications of breathing poor indoor environmental air, and are making our stand against it.

We stand for a better quality of life for all people; enabling people to breath easier, to enjoy their environments and to live longer productive lives.